
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Weird Sisters!

Whooo! Man I had a weird holiday.
On the first week. My sister and I stayed home it was FUN!.

The things that we were doing was, turning up the music, taking our hair out and shaking it around.
Then when one of our favourite song’s came on we would be worse
we would yell our heads off and laugh too. FUNNY!.
Non-stop we would dance and dance until.............
we were tired.

Renee and I wanted to keep dancing but all of our energy was gone it wasn’t funny that time.
So then we hoped into the car and went to GI (glen innes). We had the meanest food from “My Bakery” it was yum as! we munched it back.
So then we went back home and rested!. Waiting for the next day to come


Nga Kaituhi o PES said...

Hey Shontal,
You are lucky to have a neat big Sister to hang out with. Can she sing as well as you?
It sounds like you had a great holiday, what was the highlight of Week 2?
Mrs Nua

April said...

Hi shontal,
It would be nice if you discribe it a little more and you have alot of slang words but beside that it is really great.
Keep the good work up and keep posting I like reading your storys.