
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sweet 11th Victoria's Birthday

It was Sunday and it was my friend birthday. When I woke up I hope in the shower got ready and asked my dad ''Can I have forty dollar's'' and here's me thinking to myself like he's going to give me it and then what do you know he actually gave it to me. I was so jolly glad wasn't I. So then when I was all ready I was going to my friends Victoria's house she was all ready when I got there. So then her brother, herself and I went to the shop and guess what I done the most stupid thing of all I brought seventeen dollars worth of lollies. I brought chocolate, bubblegum and all sorts of yummy things.

When we were done at the shop's I said to Victoria and her brother ''Hey I thought we were suppose to pick Helen and Kalim up and she replied back ''True that'' and I said ''YES''! So as we were walking down by Helen's street we heard someone say ''eeewww" and then we looked back and it was Helen and Kalim and then Kalim said ''eeewww" again. S then we were waiting for the speeding cars go past we walk past and when we went across Victoria had some bad news and that bad news was that we all weren't going to RAINBOWS END we were all mad and we were wondering what we were going to do for the day so then I said ''Should we just walk around or should we just go to the school and play on the playground'' and they all agreed with the going to school idea.

When we got to school we play this game called fight against who it was so much fun but the only thProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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g that annoyed me was that Kalim and Nezili which is Victoria's brother kept whacking Helen, Victoria and I on the legs and it was SO !!! saw so then I stop playing and so did the two girl's

So when we stop playing the game we wanted to go to the pools. When we got to the pools we had alittle agurment it was dumb on a birthday.


Victoria said...

Hey Shontal
Thanks for writting about my birthday on your blog.I am sorry that we didn't go to Rainbow End.But we had fun at the pools.That birthday cake looked so cool.

Thank you again

Shontal Rm 18 said...

No promblem Victoria I had to write something interesting

Tracey said...

Hey Shontal

That was an awsome writing you have written.That was a nice cake. Do you know How much was that cake? I really love that cake and i wish i had a cake like that for my 11th Birthday.

Victoria said...

Hey shontal

Its me Victoria. I just want to say thank you again. That day was preety funny. But at least we had fun right. I hope i could stay and celebrate my 12 birthday. I promise we will go to rain bows end. Once again im sorry we did'nt go rain bows end. See you around.
