
Monday, November 29, 2010

Athletics Day!!

WOW! Athletics was so fun.
There was a lot of sports going on it kind of reminded me of the Common Wealth Games.

As soon as I picked up the Softball to throw it, I was so nervous.
I got my arm ready and steady.
1,2,3 I was counting in my head Ms Tito had already said “go”,. I throw it I was surprised “WHOOO”, I yelled as I came First Place (1st).
I sat down hoping that no one would beat me, It was April’s turn she did her step she throw the ball, She was a good thrower, the ball hit the ground Yeah she didn’t beat me.

Softball Throw was over and next up was Shot put. I was the 4th person to have a turn.
‘DONG’ the ball hit the ground I was 1st again YEAH.
I wasn’t sure if I could make it because there was still heaps of girls to come.
The only reason why I was so scared was because Bobbi-Grace or April there were also good at shot put. Bobbi-Grace came up it was her turn to throw, What did she come? she came......................3rd. I was still 1st, Now it was April turn. As soon as she picked that ball up I started to KISS my Green Necklace because I’m in Mataatua. She throw got her arm ready, she bent right back. BOOM! “nooooo”, I was saying in my head she beat ME
I am so angry.

“SMACK” that irritating sound I here each year. I was running as hard as I can Bobbi was 1st and I was 2nd I couldnt beat her she is to fast.
I had to do 2 race’s and in both of them I came 2nd in both of them, But in the finals that was so diffacult. I came 3rd I was running so hard I didnt want to come last but at least I came.....................3rd, its amazing.


OMG! discus was so hard, I am really bad at this sport.
When I threw it it was so crikid. I would of come 1st place if it didnt go crikid.
I think it was the wind! I think I have the wind curse.
Anyway I had another chance and when I threw this one it was totally out of my lead.
It sort of went it front of me, When the girls saw they were laughing, I surppose it was sort of funny cause I was laughing.
So all you guys from this was that I came .nothing at that hard evil sport

At the end of the day I was totally sore. I went home and I was tired, I layed on my couch and fell asleep straight away. Until my dad woke me up. I was so grumpy.

1 comment:

Paulitia said...

Hi Shontal,

I really like your writing about athletics day because you explained really well how you felt when you were at softball throw. I think you did a great job at it. Did you make it into the Interzone?

From Paulitia