
Friday, June 17, 2011

A 'PLAN' for excellent writing..... !

Topic: The Development of the Internet
Purpose: To share what I have found out about the history and technology, about the Internet
Audience: www/ somebody wanting to find out about the history of the internet

Who Invented The Internet.

- When was it ‘’CREATED”
a.The Internet was made on May 31st in 1961
-When was created the Internet?
a.The Internet was invented or created by, Leonard Kleinrock

-Why did their invention come about?
a.The network group had a meeting talking about how the Internet should of been more exclusive. They also were thinking how to make people commnicate with each-other across the globe also. So Internet was one of the ideas

-What did the Internet first look like?
a.The Internet was only a small piece of network and it was called IMP.. It was very fancy towards now-a-days.
Actually the first message that was sent was on Friday October 29, 1969 at Ten Thirty at night. It was sent from the person that invented it (Leonard Kleinrock) .

-What do you think the world would be like if it was invented:
a. I think the world would be different, because the internet helped people around the world communicate with others.

-What did the Internet look like NOW-A-DAYS....
a.The Internet now-a-days is completely fun, there are things like FACEBOOK , BEBO, TWITTER, YOUTUBE.. And many more other websites that people also love!

Put All Of This Into A Story:
The Internet was first created on May 31st 1961, and the person that did invent the INTERNET is called “Leonard Kleinrock”.

When he thought about making the Internet exclusive he had a meeting with the NETWORK COMPANY, about how they were going to make it so that everybody could communicate around the world with others, so the Internet was an idea for the future...

The Internet in the first place was a small device also known as IMP, but the first message on the Internet was sent on Friday October the 29th, in the year 1969. It was sent from the creator LEONARD KLEINROCK..

I reckon if the ‘Internet’ wasn’t invented , the world would be completely different, because the INTERNET helped people around the world communicate and connect with each-other.
The Internet in our day’s is completely fun, because they have made things like FACE-BOOK, BEBO, TWITTER, YOUTUBE and many more other things that people ‘Love and Enjoy’.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Shontal. Miss Wood here. I have just read some of your blog when I was 'surfing' the Internet at home and came across it. I think it is quite splendid and loved reading how much you are enjoying school and of course your lovely teacher Mrs Nua. I was also was quite fascinated to find out that the Internet was started in the 1960's.
I hope I get to see you when I next pop into school.
Miss Wood